It’s one of the oldest design/marketing “tricks” ever devised. Be it in video/film, billboards, ads, social media or any other type of platform to strike a contact with your audience. Or for just any other person. Just get eye contact and 90% of the time a communication of some sort will result.

In marketing, if you want to get attention, a spokesperson looking directly will most likely get your attention. Here are just a few examples of how often and for what purpose eye contact has been used.

Based on this tried and true concept, our latest promotion for Royal Custom Designs utilized the eye contact concept to generate interest and “reach” for contact and to not only promote for more business but to also have visitors to the website engage in a contest to win a sofa.

The campaign has been running as an email promotion and will also be re-purposed for upcoming print ads in Hospitality Design – the hospitality industry “bible” for information and trends for this sector of case goods manufacturers and designers to some of the top hotels in the world.

The headline is a question: How do you hospitality? And combined with a series of striking images within the eye, the onlooker is asked to click on a link which takes them to a page on RCD’s website and there they can enter to win the prize.

So, the moral of this marketing story? Well, nothing beats eye contact to engage interest and communication on a personal or pretty much any level.

Contact us today so we can create your high impact and engaging web or print campaign.

Here’s lookin’ at you!