What is an “ad campaign” and should you have one or more for your brand?

A campaign in marketing terms is a “message” that defines your brand, service, or product and has a consistent message, and is recognizable. In the old day’s campaigns such as created for Volkswagen, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Apple the different auto manufacturers became legendary for a number of reasons. Let’s not forget Nike. Their campaign “Just Do It” is still one of the kings of marketing campaigns.

That was then. What about now?

Yes, a very good point. Just like many things in our world, marketing campaigns have changed and morphed into a somewhat different way to communicate effectively to today’s audience. This current generation is using social media to market their campaigns and corporate giants are using more and more influencers instead of traditional ad agencies to promote their products.

They may use similar marketing formulas such as copy lines, imagery, and color, but in vastly different ways.

“Publishing” has a new meaning.

The term “publishing” used to mean print it in a magazine or newspaper. Those days are fading fast. When you hear or see the term publish or publishing we’re talking about an article on a website or an uploaded video. And, there are new terms that have come along such as “clickthrough rate”, “CPM” (cost per thousand), “Discount Code”, “Organic Content”, “Swipe uplink”, and many more.

What’s new out there?

Sometimes, it’s the oldest brands that know how to read the current trends and act appropriately.

Kellogg’s might be the most iconic cereal packages in the history of cereal packages but Kellogg’s felt it was time for a change.

And maybe they were right. You see, the rebranding of its entire range of cereal brands for the European market makes for the company’s biggest redesign in its 113-year history.

The new design uses a bowl of cereal as the focal point. The name of every cereal is in a smaller font and the iconic characters are now bottom-left.

The rebranding marketing campaign aims at making the packs instantly recognizable. It also gives the brand a “cleaner” and more honest, transparent look that matches the modern consumer’s needs.

Research conducted by Kellogg’s found that 70 percent of customers could locate the new packs more easily and that they increased “purchase intent” by 50 percent.

According to branding agency Landor, “the old packaging was muddled and sent out “mixed messaging, which meant the brand was losing its identity.

The redesign looks to put a focus back on natural grains, by including more information about the production of the cereal on the back of the pack”.

The power of Instagram

Instagram has become one of the leading formats for brands to use to connect with their audience. And, let’s face it, it’s all about understanding and getting your message to your audience. So, how do you do that these days? More and more people are trusting what people say about a brand personally instead of seeing a stand-alone ad. Micro or macro brand ambassadors or influencers can get a brand recognized and sold much faster in most cases these days. Depending on how many followers each has can determine whether or not a brand might just want them to run a campaign for them. Contracts range from one-off mentions to full yearly contracts that can be worth from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars per post.

There are many factors that are taken into account when a brand is looking for multiple ambassadors to use; the niche, professional quality of photos in their feed, color scheme, number of likes, and impressions their post get to name a few.

Here’s an example of a new campaign we created for a school in Miami, Florida.

Check them out and enroll your children. Their future depends on it.
Click here: New Village Academy