I’ve been at this marketing game for a very long time. And, over the past few years, I forgot why I originally took the path I chose.

Recently, I came across a TED talk given by a very wise man named Simon Sinek who broke things down for me regarding how most of us make our choices for various products.

You can see it here: https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare

His talk helped remind me of how much I was inspired when first starting out in the design/marketing business and how all I wanted to do was to be inspired enough that my clients would feel my inspiration for developing design and marketing that would really make a difference for them.

There’s another rule I subscribe to; “If you’re going to do something, be professional at it or don’t bother.” The combination of these policies that rule my work has always helped me sustain a viable business and has enabled my clients to remain with me and to know they are always going to receive my best or nothing at all.

When you look at whatever you do, isn’t better to look back and feel you gave it your all?

The next time you take on a new business, project or hobby try looking at it from another viewpoint other than your own and see if it really will inspire you or not. I find it makes a difference.

I wish you the best. Nothing less.