Are you sure who your market is?

Over the years that I’ve been in the marketing business, I’ve found many of my clients that have had trouble with sales never really located their market and found out from them what problem they were having that could be solved by my client.
Sometimes it’s a good idea to roll back a bit and see if you’re walking in the correct direction. Marketing is “creating want”, and a successful business usually has a good idea of how to do that.
If you don’t know what problem your potential market is having, it will probably be very difficult to offer a solution.
How to find out what your clients need.
There are many ways to find out what your client needs to do in order to help their own customers get what they need.
Once you know what service or product(s) your clients are offering, then you have to find potential customers that want that. Or, you can reverse that and locate a market, find out what problem they have, and market your clients as the solution they need.
The main idea here is to not fly blindly into a promotion that is otherwise known as “shotgun marketing”. Just pull the trigger and see if your marketing plan hits anyone squarely. Very tricky business.
Survey. Survey. And then, Survey.
Surveying has been used for years and it is one of the most successful ways of finding out what your market needs and wants.
Surveys can be done face-to-face, with emails, phone calls, and any other way you can get a clear answer to your survey questions. And, those questions are designed to elicit exact answers that can be tabulated when the surveys are done.
Recent times have made market research much easier because of social media. Google research is available to locate what your potential market is searching for and how large an audience the market is at any given time.
Doing this kind of research can let you know if what you’re selling has a big enough market and if you should proceed or try something else.
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