What does creating a vacuum have to do with marketing?
Way more than meets the eye.

Whenever I really wanted something or wanted to do something, I would create that idea in my own head and start to concentrate on it. Sometimes it would “arrive” into my life almost immediately and sometimes it would take days, weeks, or years. But it would arrive.

Not until somewhere in my later years did I realize I was using some kind of technique that I was not aware of.

So, I experimented. I decided I wanted to get a lot of new business for my design firm in Los Angeles. But, I wanted to find new clients using what I called “create the vacuum”. This technique is defined as throwing out an avalanche of promotion in one direction and see where the new projects come from. It never comes back from where you think it should.

It seemed at first that if I was promoting to a specific industry that I would receive requests for proposals back from that industry. But, no, it never worked that way and to this day it still works the same way. The “inflow”, or the requests that followed always came from an area I had not even thought about.

Sometimes I would create a vacuum in another part of my life and it would work the same way. And sometimes instead of the answer to my vacuum would come years after it was created. For example; I am currently living in the Dominican Republic. A “paradise” island. One of my children told me that when they were young, I said, “I would love to live on an island and swim in beautiful clear ocean water every day.” I barely remember saying that, but I suppose it stuck. So, how did I create that vacuum that eventually landed me on “my island?” Well, my history starts in New Jersey and then I lived in NY City and from there I took a motorcycle trip across the United States and I remember riding my motorcycle up the California coast thinking how great it would be to live near the ocean.

Three years later I moved to Los Angeles and would drive the coastline all the time. Creating that vacuum.

This all comes down to a couple of self-created ideas: 1. You get what you put your attention on. 2. Keep putting that idea out there in such a way that your “power” creates a vacuum and what you are requesting has no other way to happen than to land in your lap.

There’s another interesting element I’ve found over the years of using this technique which is don’t use any force. No hard concentration on an idea. It’s using the lightest touch possible. Almost not even thinking about it. It’s a fleeting idea that has importance you have placed upon it.

Lastly, I’ve also found that creating a vacuum in one area of life can boomerang with strange happenings, so I suppose one must be clear as to what your intentions are when the avalanche of that vacuum starts.

That’s your own responsibility.

I would like to hear your ideas and or experiences you may have had that line up with this.