My clients ask me that all the time.
Why should we blog? Does blogging really help my business? How can I tell if it works? What should I write in my blog?
These and other questions are asked all the time. Personally, I’ve found blogging has helped my business expand if I just post something everyday. Most of my clients forget to assume the viewpoint that they are the expert at what they do and have lots of valuable information people are searching for on the web everyday.
For example, I have a client who is a very good real estate agent in Southern California and as one of the main promotional avenues I’ve been coaching her on is to use the blog my company designed and set up for her. She’s just getting started but after only a couple of initial posts she had interested people commenting and asking her about certain real estate issues they were involved in.
She asked me “what should I write about?” Well, I told her to write about what she does and how it relates to helping buyers and sellers stay on track and attain what they set out to get when they started looking for properties or listing their homes.
She’s the expert and people are always looking for valuable information they can apply to their lives and dealings.
So, blogging can be enjoyable and can help people with valuable information as well as get new contacts which can turn into new customers and clients.
Remember, write what you’re familiar with and do it as much as you can. If you write it…..people will come.
And, if you or someone you know needs help with a new website or blog, send them my way.