If you want to get anywhere in this world you’re going to have to get some attention. Why? If you have a product or a service, people just won’t know they exist if you don’t tell them.

Attention is broad communication.

Attention is universal.

Think about it for a moment. The successful products are put in front of you daily if not hourly. From cars to cell phones to your favorite snack you share your favorite sport with on the sofa.
Take a moment and see what product or service comes to mind right now. It was probably something a friend showed you they just bought or an ad you just saw on the tv, or read about in a post somewhere.

As a graphic designer and marketing person, I’ve been very sensitive to what I see every day. Sometimes, I come across a really sensational ad that stops me from moving on. I take a moment to analyze why I was stopped and it’s usually because the image got my attention and held it.

You can have the best product or service in the world, but if only a few people know about it, your chance of success is limited and the percentages go down from there.

There’s no such thing as too much promotion.

That’s right, you just can’t overdo it. There are always going to be millions if not billions of people who don’t know about you, your stellar service, or your product if you don’t get the info in front of them. There are so many ways you can get attention and communicate with prospective clients and customers. Phone calls, emails, social media, letters, face-to-face meetings, and much more. Some of the most famous brands we are all familiar with put their products and services in front of us daily, if not hourly. Sometimes, an out-of-the-box creative promotion is used as the McDonald’s free coffee streetlight pictured here. This becomes an instant environmental sculpture and any competition will just wish they would have thought of it. This is constant attention using the environment and familiarity with a product.


Be different, and think differently.

Being different can separate you from the competition. That can be done by using very creative concepts. Customers will eventually recognize your company as being at the forefront because you dare to be different.

Sometimes, it takes using an iconic image and doing something “different” to it as is shown here with the “Jaws” poster. The message is clear: stop killing sharks. But, your attention is drawn to this by an image that reminds us of a famous movie poster. In a further study, we get the message and appreciate how the creator used imagination and creativity.

How to get attention about cleaning up the environment.

In recent years there’s been a lot of attention put on cleaning up our environment. Also, how we can all take responsibility for being part of the solution.

Outdoor billboards, documentaries, and social media are just a few areas of getting the message out.

Every once in a while a creative approach is taken to focus on a local area and how the public there can become more aware of the problem. They can help become part of the solution.

This campaign from Toronto, Canada is an excellent example of “in-your-face” gorilla marketing. it brings the message out in the open for all to see and contemplate.

Another example of making an environmental problem.

Being creative is your responsibility and obligation
to your business and its’ success.

The economy may or may not be headed for a recession. As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to do everything you can to ensure success. Communicate broadly about your business and why your services and products are valuable. Get a lot of attention. More than your competition. A lot more than your competition. And, be as creative as possible when you do. Stop your customers from scrolling past your social media posts. Make them stop and read your ad. Use images and videos that have an impact. If you don’t, you’re going to just be part of the crowd. Stand out!/>

Use themes that your customers will recognize.

Use professionals who know what to do.

There are a lot of very good agencies and freelancers that have experience. Many have success marketing their clients. Seek them out and use them. It’s money well spent. Marketing done well will expand your company. Even done not so well is better than not doing anything. You will know what not promoting your company will do. So, the only alternative is to do it and do it now.

You have my utmost wishes for success. Contact me and I can help you with immediate promotional actions.

Let me know your thoughts.

My best,
Barry Shereshevsky